Church Relief Fund
"And all those who had believed [in Jesus as Savior] were together and had all things in common [considering their possessions to belong to the group as a whole]. And they began selling their property and possessions and were sharing the proceeds with all [the other believers], as anyone had need... praising God continually, and having favor with all the people..."
Acts 2: 44-45, 47 AMP
What it is.
The United Church Relief Assistance is a grant based initiative dedicated to providing financial assistance to member churches for the purpose of offsetting hardship due to the cost of financial obligations, such as mortgage, utility payments, staffing, and other responsibilities that would have a major impact on the function of the church. It is a secondary level of support to enable congregations to maintain healthy, productive churches.
Why it is Needed.
The Church Relief Assistance is needed to address the increasing changes in the number of churches experiencing a decline in worship attendance, giving practices, youth, aging members, and other challenges affecting the growth and vitality of the church.
How it Works.
With money raised or donated, we will provide grants to as many qualifying member churches requesting assistance, while funds are available. Churches who meet the criteria and are approved, will be awarded a “No-Strings Attached Grant”. This means, churches will not have to worry about reporting back, or giving a detailed account of the use of the funds. However, we love to receive feedback from those who have benefited from the grant, as it provides valuable insight that will help us further the development of the program.
How to Donate/Apply.
Interested parties can apply via our website. Simply click on on of the links below to either "Donate" or "Apply". Then, follow the on-screen instructions.
For paper applications, please send a message with your request to Please ensure you include your full name (including title), church's name, Pastor's name, and complete mailing address in the email when making your request for an application.
All applications will be forwarded to the grant committee who will review and determine if your church meets the qualification requirements, along with the grant assistance amount to be awarded, if approved.
Please keep in mind, we are in the start-up phase of the program. So, while we may have some funds to distribute, we are limited in the amount to be disbursed at this current time. It is our prayer that more contributions are made so we can work toward impacting a greater number of churches with increased grant award amounts to be disbursed to recipients, as the amount of donated funds grows.
Make an Impact
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Need Assistance
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For more information, or to ask questions about the United Church Relief Assistance Grant, please feel free to contact us via email and we will be happy to assist you.